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На какой магистерской программе факультета Вы бы хотели учиться?

Главная English version General information

General information


Reach the people who have reached unconditional leaderchip!

The mission of the Department of management:

High international standards' training of the managing professionals who are competetive in globalizing economy and capable to manage functional, organizational and social processes.

 In 2008, 2013, the new  program of "Bachelor of Management» has successfully passed the international accreditation of the European Council for  Business Education.

High quality system of education at the Department of Management guaranties formation of qualified professionals demanding not only in Russia but also in international labor markets.

Competitiveness of our graduates achieved by a combination of fundamental knowledge and modern teaching technologies. The main  goal of our department is  not only to teach the possess knowledge, but also give to our graduates the  ablility to analyze and implement them in practice.

The faculty of management: basic opportunities

Studiny on English:

The  Department of Management offers full service on training for today's business:

1. Bachelor of Management "- 4 years (specialization: Management of organization, Innovation and Invetment Management, Trade management, Quality Management)

2. Master on "Management - 2 years (specialization: General and Strategic Management)

3. Post-graduate programs for training managers (retraining and skill).

4. Short-term seminars.

The department is characterized with traditionally high level of teaching. Over 80% of science teachers have academic degrees and honors. In total, the state Department of Management of REU - about 100 teachers, including a Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, an Honored Worker of Higher School of Russia, 2 winners of the RF Government Prize in Education in 2005, 34 doctors of sciences, professors, 55 PhD in Economics, associate professors, and academics of international and Russian academies. The Faculty - professionally qualified professionals who combine practical business and training, trained or training in the leading universities in Japan, USA, UK.

One of the priority tools training students at the Department of Management is a training complex called "The Educational Corporation".

Students of the faculty have the opportunity to take 3 kinds of practice in commercial and public institutions (Rostech, RAO UES, Gazprombank, Vneshtorgbank, the Russian State Duma, the Chamber of the Russian Federation, Pension Fund, Ministry of Economic Development, SAP, Expert Systems, etc.) that allows them to gain practical skills in management, as well as to develop themselves acting in Career Club.

Each student has the opportunity to pass the "built-in" study abroad for one or two semesters at universities in Europe, USA and China.
The logic of the educational process at the Department of Management as close as possible to the practical problems of modern governance that will enable future graduates of the PRUE to apply this knowledge in the real economy.

At present, the Department of Management consists of:

Divisions of the Department provides a full cycle of training students and graduate students in relevant specialties.